Q: What is a job category?
Ans: Job category is type of business / company / organization like Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals, Engineering, Real Estate / Builders etc.
Q: Where to find jobs on qualifications?
Ans: The jobs should be searched based on categories, levels, skills etc. and the skills could or may include qualifications.
Q: What all to include the skills?
Ans: The skills include job skills and also qualifications.
Q: Browser Trouble?
Ans: If you have any problem in modifying or viewing, please use the Chrome browser. It works the best on Chrome.
The portal is simple and easy to use. If you have any queries, please approach the Customer Care thru the contact us form.
Q: Is it free?
Ans: The resume posting is absolutely free for candidates and/or job seekers. Please take advantage to register and post resume. You never know when a right opportunity is waiting for you.
Candidates and/or job seekers can browse thru the list of employers and comments as well as like them. Also browse thru the jobs listing and apply the suitable jobs.
The candidates can benefit from the blog of the experts and professionals’ advice from time to time.
Q: Do employers and/or agents have to pay for the services?
Ans: The services at are free for candidates and/or jobs seekers and will always be free for them as a special consideration. The Jobs posting as well as Resume review/view services are free for job employers / for employment agencies too though for a limited period as an inaugural/launch offer so please join us free at a job portal of a unique nature.
There are otherwise job packages for Jobs’ posting and resume packages to view/review the resumes and/or candidates by the employers and/or by the employment agencies, thus, there are employers and/or agents package schemes to post jobs and/or review resumes. Theses packages are handsomely designed to benefit the right candidate seekers. These packages are re-framed and released from time to time so please keep on watching.
Q: Can I start a new conversation with employer?
Ans: Yes sure you can.
Q: Can I apply all recommended jobs by one click?
Ans: You can apply all recommended jobs one by one.
Q: Why should I register a Job Alert?
Ans: You should register for a job alert to get job’s information when a matching job comes up.
Q: Why do I not receive or receive only a few jobs on Job Alert even though I registered?
Ans: There could be some mismatch of one or more parameters in the job search or job alert therefore not receiving all jobs thus it is recommended to keep the selections a little wider and precise.
Q: Why is my resume not viewed by many employers?
Ans: If it is free package or if not featured so may probably be missing some.
Q: I am not sure if my application is sent to Employers.
Ans: You can check the status yourself on the portal if application sent or not.
Q: After applying job, if I update my resume, will the one I applied get updated too?
Ans: If you update your resume, the updated resume will be applicable to who so ever you apply hence forth.